146,184+ Illustrations generated

Doodle Generator

Generate stylistically consistent doodle drawings in minutes

No credit card required

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Style: doodle

Doodle of shaking hands close up

shaking hands close up

Doodle of Elephant having an idea

Elephant having an idea

Doodle of a person searching with looking glass

a person searching with looking glass

Style: doodle

Doodle of person doing email marketing

person doing email marketing

Doodle of boy holding a white flag

boy holding a white flag

Doodle of Man climbing up ladder

Man climbing up ladder

AI Doodle Generator

Consistent doodles in minutes


Produce a wide range of illustrations that look like doodles for your designs.


Improve visuals for landing pages and MVPs to clearly convey your message.


Perfect for Blogs, Ads, Social media, and more. Providing consistent brand identity.

Easy to Use

Create beautiful illustrations fast

Prompt Based generation

Generate unique illustrations with consistent style.

image export


Train your own Illustration style by uploading 5-35 example images.

How to fine tune
image export


All generated illustrations are SVG and PNG exportable.

How to export SVG
image export

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I generate a consistent character?

Yes! You can create a consistent character with Ilus AI. Use our premade ink and doodle character models or create a fine-tune.How to fine tune Ilus AI. The training images should only contain the character you want to create. Especially good if the character is doing a wide array of different things.

Are the generated Images copyright free?

Yes, The original training images had a CC0 license and so do the generated images. This means you can do whatever you want with them.

Are the images SVG exportable?

Yes, all images are SVG exportable. Generate Svg Illustration

Whose art was used?

The models were trained on open-source artwork what had CC0 licence. The original illustrations were done by Pablo Stanley and his team.

You are in good company, over 146,184 illustrations already created

  • Client logo University of Melbourne
  • Client logo university of La Presse
  • Client logo Doxy
  • Client logo Provision Planner

Start Generating illustrations

No credit card required

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